I left my door open for a little bit yesterday morning while I was talking to a neighbor.

Morning Visitor

I sent Cathy a text and asked how she dealt with this. She said to just open all the doors and windows. I opened one door, and it flew out.

And then…

My first scorpion. He was crawling along the bathroom vanity. I used my tried and true capture method with drinking glass and card stock. I think the entry point is the shower drain. It is now covered. I can see no other possible entry point. We’ll see.

There are just a couple of the beautiful flowers I saw on my walk into town the other day.

I’m using up ingredients in my refrigerator to create soups and stews. I was shopping at Garden’s Gate in Hartland a number of years ago, angsting over what flowers would go together in my window boxes. I shared this with the woman who kindly came up to help me. She said in her very sweet southern accent, “Honey,

I’m using up ingredients in my refrigerator to create soups and stews. I was shopping at Garden’s Gate in Hartland a number of years ago, angsting over what flowers would go together in my window boxes. I shared this with the woman who kindly came up to help me. She said in her very sweet southern accent, “Honey, God duhn’t make anything that duhn’t go together.” And that’s what this stew is: onions, garlic, radishes, beans, bok choy, carrots, red bell pepper, sweet potato, tomatoes and rice.

Clean-out-the-refrigerator stew

Yesterday was the birthday party at Gloria’s for her and Betty. I was able to give them their gifts and hand out the Christmas cards I made. I didn’t know beforehand who got the cards with the mistakes. There were two. Nancy said she got the one that said “Happy Holiays.” She said that is was fine, that it just made it more of an original Christine piece. Aww… Not sure who will get the other. I still have a number of them here to hand out on Christmas Eve at the Kinnears’ party with the Chiriqui Progressives.

The flowers are quilled with centers of Italian glass beads.

The party was fun. It is nice seeing people again…and trying to remember names.

I met one new guy named Jamie. I asked him if he was with someone or if he was single. I asked it only to see if he could share with me the name of a partner whom I did not yet know at the party. Then I awkwardly realized that it sounded like I was hitting on to him. He said, “No, I’m single.” Then awkwardness continued as I said, “Oh no, I didn’t mean to ask you that, I don’t really care… No, it’s not that I don’t care…” Please just stop talking.

He handled it very well, and when I told him I was trying to remember the name of another woman at the party whom I met last year, he said, “Well, maybe you should return to the site where you met her, and her name will come back to you because memory is context dependent.” He then launched into the research that supported this. Really very interesting, but I’m not going to do that because I can’t remember where I met her. Cute guy though. So many nice people here.

Barb stopped over today. We are planning a trip to Las Lajas during Jolene’s visit in January. I got the last available room at Las Lajas. The only thing I don’t like about the place is you cannot cook in your room. You are pretty much forced to eat in the dining area. I don’t remember the full menu, but I’m guessing there are meatless options. I know I’m bringing my own coffee. Barb is going to see if her friend’s place is available. It has a kitchen.

The rest of the day I spent going over the book for the zillionth time (slight exaggeration). A reorganization scheme is coming to me…slowly. I wish I loved writing as much as I love making the cards. The cards are mindless joy. Writing hurts my brain.

And then…I created another soup. Looks like the other one, but tastes quite a bit different. So this is what’s on my menu for the next couple of days. This one is garlic, onions, carrots, celery, sweet potato, collard greens, white beans, tomato paste and canned tomatoes. Love that I can get these beautiful organic veggies from Finca Santa Marta.

Okay, time for Spanish class and hot cocoa!