Let’s Try That Again…

I had another lesson with Simos today regarding the photos in the blog. I noticed that the ones I posted of my latest watercolor cards were not very clear. So, Simos went over the photo-saving process with me again, step by step. We’ll see how they look today.

Well, the one on the right is still blurry, but I will have to chalk this up to “photographer error.” Simos recommended that I go back and edit all of the other photos I have inserted so far. Sorry, Simos, that is not likely to happen. I can be a bit compulsive, but I have my limits. I think that just reached one of them. Plus, I am finding that this blogging business takes a lot of time and commitment. Revising all the photos would go beyond its scheduled limitations. I have to leave here in 15 minutes to play Trivia.

Here are a couple of images from the Boquete Hospice training yesterday. John Ferguson gave an excellent talk on oxygen concentrators (Hi John!).

Tomorrow I have to give a 90-second presentation on the history of hospice. Wish me luck!

CHOX is one of the best chocolatiers in Boquete…in my humble opinion. Here is a “CHOX Moment.”

4 Replies to “Let’s Try That Again…”

  1. Hi Chris. I’m so enjoying a virtual vacation with you. Love the pics and comments. Am curious about Hospice training. Do you have plans to work with Hospice when you return home? Or is your commitment for only when in Panama?
    You might find comfort in hearing that the temperature here this morning was -10 degrees. It’s awful🥶

  2. No, this training is meant for my commitment here.  I’m not going to be dealing directly with patients.  I am working on helping them build a database, and we all thought the training would be a good idea for me to learn the ins and outs of the operation.

  3. I love it. When you were talking about the bird singing. It reminded me of Edith Ann. (Lilly Tomlin) Then you went on to say “I don’t have to get up for school ” I was waiting for you to say “and that’s the truth! :-p LOL

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