I did my usual walk into town this morning and met Cathy Anne in the central square. I call her Pewaukee Cathy because her family owned a greenhouse in Pewaukee. The building is still there, but her family no longer owns it.

We went to the Buckle and Trip for a coffee and tea. I was surprised that the coffee was awful. My first experience with bad coffee here. Perhaps it is something new that I’m not used to, but I had to leave it, barely touched.

Cathy is still healing from an accident in July when she was hit by one of the town buses as she crossed a street. She seems to be doing well. Love to talk to Cathy about books and movies. Knitting and watching movies and series is her favorite. She’s also a fabulous cook.

I didn’t notice it, but Cathy pointed out to me that many of the new Christmas decorations in town are made out of plastic bottles. I think that most everything in the photo behind us is made from recycled plastic. So Panamanian.

Jerry stopped down yesterday and brought me banana bread.

Still Warm from the Oven

He also asked if I like lamb. I said yes, and he told me that he just bought too much at the store recently and was hoping I would come to dinner and help them out. I’m realizing that this guy has a unique sense of humor. I’ll like him even more when he fixes the toilet.

Linda just came down to ask me if I could hear the bass beat of music. Yes, I could hear it. She told me that it is driving her crazy. She can’t sleep at night because it goes on until 2 in the morning. I suggested earplugs and was hoping I had an extra pair to give her, but I couldn’t find them. I must have brought an extra pair. I’ll keep looking.

My sleep experiment is moving along. I feel like I’m back to my pre-Ambien pattern of feeling sleepy, going to bed, and then lying awake for hours. I think I may be going to bed too early. I’m going to see if I can hold out until 11. That’s when the Fitbit shows that I am more steadily asleep. The Fitbit showed that I slept over 9 hours, but the graph was loaded with wakeful moments. I didn’t feel great when I woke up; I don’t feel great right now. I have to stay awake for seven more hours. I think I can do that. I’ve put off my calligraphy and a new painting idea until after I have finished writing for the day. Those activities don’t stress my brain like writing does.

I received a lovely encouragement from my editor, Kathie, yesterday. She said that sometimes a book comes along that she has to just read first and then save the editing for later because she wants to keep reading. That was a fantastic bit of positive reinforcement on her part. Now I think of that instead of the drudgery part. To imagine that someone is experiencing joy from my writing is a true gift. Thanks, Kathie!

Hot chocolate has replaced my nightly wine habit. Getting my protein!

7 Replies to “HELLO CATHY ANNE…”

  1. Hi Chrissy,
    I so enjoy reading about your adventures. I was just thinking that your hot chocolate later in the evening contains caffeine. That probably doesn’t help with your sleeplessness. What about an herbal tea containing chamomile and valerian root?? I of course don’t know your story about insomnia…but…I thought I would just make a suggestion (I am sure you’ve probably tried this route.) By the way, you look wonderful in the picture.

    1. Thanks Anne, Another friend pointed out the chocolate-caffeine connection. Makes sense not to be drinking it right before bed. I’m going to get some herbal tea. I was also thinking about Ashwaganda. I’ve heard good things about that.

    1. I’m going to the organic store on Thursday, so I’m going to look for that. I was at a grocery store this morning and picked up chamomile. I always like that. But, I’m also looking for something long-term. I’ve heard it takes about two months for the full effects of ashwaganda to become a part of our system. I’m fine with that.

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