I have a bit of time before Lois and Buzz arrive for dinner, so I thought I’d get caught up here.

On Saturday, I had the gang came over for breakfast. I promised them that it would not be vegan and that we could experience the VR. They loved it…the VR and the food. We had scrambled eggs, bacon, pain perdu (french toast), juice and watermelon. It was nice to have the french toast again. I haven’t had it for a long time.

So, Beth met the gorillas in the forest. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her kissing the baby gorilla. The others watched the National Geographic Elephant Encounter. i wonder if Netflix has any VR movies. I’ll have to check.

And this is Bailey, Nancy’s dog. I am taking care of him while the gang is at Las Lajas. It’s nice having a dog around the house. He’s a sweet boy.

So, just as I’m getting used to having a dog around, I got this message from Lois (my neighbor):

“Chris, Cathy asked if we could Foster these dogs for the month of march. We’d like to do it but I think it’s going to be difficult with our friend coming in from the 7th until the 23rd.
Because we’ll be doing things in the daytime with her. Do we want to Co-foster? Just an idea. What do you think about it?”

Then Cathy sent the same message to me, with this addition: “All of the other pups in the litter died before she was rescued. Just has this 1 left. “

My response:

“Hello. Yes, Lois just texted me these photos and the message. My first reaction is, “I don’t think so.” I’m getting a dose of doggy responsibility right now, and it’s enough for me. I can easily predict that a month with a puppy is well out of my comfort zone right now. I know what puppies are like. But I have to admit that puppy face hit a chord. He looks so much like a dog I used to have. Her name was Jemma. Sorry I can’t give you a better message, but my gut is telling me, “Bad idea.”


Cathy & Larry Doig: Understand completely. 😊💕
Christine Kunert: And I just want to say that I am so happy you asked. I know it would be the very best world if they had the attention of a single human. Have you tried Dog Camp or Aniimales? That is probably a stupid question. They are not likely your first choice.
Cathy & Larry Doig: Dog Camp is overbooked. They were spayed yesterday at the clinica. The person that rescued them is a renter and the landlord won’t allow. Maybe give Lois & Buzz the puppy and you care for the mom! 😍
Christine Kunert: I’ll let her respond…

Lois will be here soon. I’ll see what she has decided.

I am very excited that Marianne Williamson is going to announce her candidacy on March 4. I feel more goosebumps now than I did when Obama announced. I emailed Betty and Barb to see if anyone wanted to get together to watch it. I know that is Movie Day for the gang.

So on Saturday, March 4, I will formally announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president. I hope you’ll join me for the official kick off of my campaign, either in Washington DC or via live-streaming,
The times we’re living in are challenging but they will change if we are willing to change them. I have a lot to say about where I think our problems came from, and what I feel it will take to solve them. I feel my forty years spent close and personal with the trauma of so many thousands of individuals gives me a unique perspective on what is needed to help repair America.

Transactional politics are inadequate to the challenges of this time. We need a transformational politics – one that treats not just symptoms, but cause. One that does not base itself on the crass imperatives of endless corporate profit, but on the eternal imperatives of our principles and values. Einstein said we wouldn’t solve the problems of the world from the level of thinking we were at when we created them. It’s time for a new beginning, and this will only happen if we’re willing to look at the world in a different way.

If we neglect a child today, we should expect to see more prisons later. If we don’t provide for people’s needs today, we should expect a mental health crisis later. If we don’t preserve the blessings of democracy today, we should expect the threat of authoritarianism later. 

Some have already said of course, Well obviously she can’t win. Or Well that’s good; she’ll add to the conversation. But since the election of 2016 it’s odd for anyone to think they know who can win the presidency. And I’m not putting myself through this again just to add to the conversation. I’m running for president to help bring an aberrational chapter of our history to a close, and to help create a new beginning.

What is often considered â€œpolitically qualified” for the presidency is simply the ability to do what the system does – essentially, to perpetuate itself. My qualification is not that I’m experienced at running that system, but that I’m best qualified to help disrupt it. The status quo will not disrupt itself. Washington is filled with good political car mechanics, but the problem is that we are on the wrong road. As someone who has worked with thousands of individuals and groups – helping them not only to endure chaos but to transform it – I’ve had exactly the kinds of experiences one needs to have had in order to make sense of these times.
My announcement will take place in Washington DC next Saturday at 2pm ET, and will also be streamed live on all my social media channels. You can either join us live in Washington DC, or watch the announcement online.

It’s time for a generation of Americans to affect a course-correction in our nation’s history – and we’re it. I hope you will join with me in creating this historic possibility. Your donations, you volunteering to help with the campaign – and always, your prayers – will help create a wave of change that brings a new day to America. 

Let’s do this…

With love and gratitude,

I had a great time at Barb and Murray’s party on Sunday. They throw great parties. They are a a well-oiled machine. I met a number of new people. Let’s see if these names ever show up again: Rich and Lela (I need her recipe for the coconut flan with maracuya). Tim O’Connell said he was sure it must be illegal is some countries. Michelle: Here by herself, a transplant from Montreal. Ed, the guest of honor. He is Irish, from Massachusettes. He said I reminded him of his cousin (I think – Maureen Sullivan). He showed me a photo on is tablet. I had to agree. I will not see Jeannie and Charlie again. They are moving to Malaga soon.

I am so happy I brought these with me:

They make chopping so much more enjoyable. I made the hummus using the little Cuisinart food processor that I borrowed from Nancy. I burned out the motor. Sorry, Nancy.

I have a whole lot of replacing to do before I leave: glassware, saucers, food processor…

So, I ended up making the salsa by hand. I thought it turned out very well. The fresh ingredients make such a difference in a salsa. Although, Pascual (the chef), shrugged his shoulders when I asked him how he liked it. But Kitty came over later and told me how much she loved it. And she shared with me her stories of burning out a blender motor while making Margarita’s for her daughter’s new family at the wedding rehearsal dinner. She was meeting he new in-laws for the first time. She bonded with the new mother-in-law over Margarita’s. I told her I would like the recipe. I’ll have to compare it to the one I use from Ken Klauck, who used to make them for our Spanish class.

Yahaira came today to clean. We were talking about my prospects for a rental next year. She knows Jose at Villa San Miquel, and she thought it would be a great place to rent. She told me, however, that if that doesn’t work out, to let her know. She said that she and her fellow cleaning friends know of lots of places for rent during the months of December through March. It’s good to have friends in high places.