Another Surprise

I have been coming to Panama since 2009. I never thought that the coffee was outstanding…until today. Barb and I went to the Buckle and Tiip, a new coffee shop along the park in town. I had a cappuccino.

A cuppa at the Buckle and Tip

I was amazed at the first sip. I talked to the waiter and asked what they use for pour over. This is it:

It actually says “pour over” on the bag, and he told me to set my grinder at 12. This is perfection. I have never spent this much on coffee before. $18 for 450 g (almost a pound). I had to invoke my most analytical decision-making process: “I could be dead tomorrow.” It is a delight just thinking about it. It is like wine: you get what you pay for.

Barb said she would like to go to Las Lajas. She chastised me a bit, “I asked you SO many times to go with me, and you always said it was too hot.” I can’t argue with that. I very likely did say that, but I am now a whole new beach person. So, we may be going the first part of March. Barb is also planning to leave for the U.S. the first part of April, so this timing feels better than going later in the month.

We’re going to ask Debra to go with us. Debra just broke up a seven-year relationship and is ready for some R&R before she leaves for her daughter’s in Canada. Perfect.

I picked up my thumb drive from Cathy this morning, as well as some caraway seed. I am going to prepare spareribs and sauerkraut for Gloria and Trevor.

I’m having a happy technology moment. This may be ho-hum for you, but for me it’s kind of a big deal. I finally figured out that I can sync all my photos and podcasts from my Mac to my iPhone and vice versa. I knew it was possible but never sat down and figured out how to do it. Today was the day. In the process, I also realized that I can recharge my iPhone while it is plugged into and syncing with my Mac. For some reason, I thought this was all being done automatically, but the hard-wire plug-in seems necessary…at least until some kid tells me otherwise… 🙂

I’m excited. I received an Amazon “delivery” today (had to pick up at RednBlue) , and it contained my new mechanical pencil (uni Kuru Toga 0.5) and a precision scissors (Cutter Bee). I love good tools. It makes everything more fun. We just love a good crease, right Barb? If I were a carpenter, I would be Tim Allen.

Good Tools

One Reply to “Another Surprise”

  1. You had my mouth watering when you said caraway seed. I just knew the next words I would read would be spare Ribs and Sauerkraut!! Yummmmmm

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