I’ve been home for about two weeks now, and spring has been pouring on the welcome.
The first to greet me the very next morning was the snow. Thank you very much! I got a little taste of winter. Bye!

And, then the daffodils:

And then the deer in Lapham Peak:

And then my sweet little girls. While they were here, they asked if they could make a baby shower card for Sara’s friend’s baby, Sheyla. Sara was having a shower that same day. The cards were so cute. I just love spending time with them.

I was so surprised by how much they had grown in six months! As soon as they were in the door, Marie asked if they could check their height on the wall in the mud room, a record that we started in September. I was shocked when I saw that they had both grown by two inches.
I was surprised to see so many tulips coming up, and then I remembered that Mayra planted 100 bulbs for me this past fall. I told her to plant them anywhere; I wanted to be surprised. And, indeed I am. I’m excited for them to blossom.
I’ve been out in the garden for a couple of days to prepare a corner in the front of the house for a new flower bed. I will take a before picture. This particular spot has become very sunny since several trees went down over the past couple of years, either accidentally or intentionally (solar panels). I have bulbs that I want to plant there soon. I’m leaving on 5/13 for Portugal for the Camino, so I’m going to get as much done as I can before then.
Dan leaves on 4/28. He said he’s not doing any planting! Okay, so, after our hike in Lapham on Saturday morning, I had Toni Lynn dig up five hostas from that corner and then just dig some other holes so I could transplant them. I did the transplanting this morning. Dan just told me he redid them. Thank you. Now he’s out with his super duper weed eater attacking the buckthorn…again!!! Lots to do.

I’ve started my training for the Camino. I’m going to do two 7-mile loops in Lapham per week: Tues and Saturdays (one Friday), 9-11. If you’d like to join me, c’mon along!
4/20 – Sat
4/23 – Tues.
4/27 – Sat.
4/30 – Tues.
5/3 – Fri. 10
5/7 – Tues
5/11 – Sat.
Steve and Connie Berg’s daughter, Gretchen, was married last night. The reception was at The Factory, which is apparently becoming a popular venue in Downtown Milwaukee. The reception was fun. I met several of Dan’s friends, whom I had only heard about. These are his skiing and Birkie gang. We even made tentative plans to travel to Sweden to visit Wendy and Motts. They spend a good part of the summer there with their families. Dan even bought a new shirt and tie for the wedding.

Tomorrow is colonoscopy day. Yay!
Looking and sounding great!!!! KW
I’m glad your home and looking wonderful! The both of you look great and I’m glad you came home to a great Spring.
I love the way you styled your hair!
See you soon!