Can’t believe I’ve been here for two months already. I’ve been so busy with the book, the auction, studying Spanish and calligraphy that I have spent zero time on making cards, one of my favorite things. So, the 31st is the end of taking in donations for the auction, and then it’s all pretty much automated until the very end when I do the wrap-up. Then I’ll have more play time.

Barb is planning an outing for us for Feb. 19-22 in the Mount Totumas Cloud Forest. Should be fun.


I did go out for lunch last week with Barb and Sally. We were going to go to Patrón de Shwarma, but they were closed. Instead, we went to Taco Rudo’s across the street. It was excellent!

On Friday, I was supposed to go to the other Israeli restaurant, Baras, with Betty. Unfortunately, Betty was in an accident with a motorcycle, and she was unable to drive her car. Instead, she came here, and I made dinner, which I took upstairs. I made a chicken-mushroom risotto and a broccoli-cauliflower side dish. Jerry made an excellent apple pie, which I had for breakfast the next morning. Thanks Jerry! This morning he brought me a couple of cinnamon raisin buns, which I had for this morning’s breakfast. I know, not very healthy, but what the heck!

I’ve started a new workout program called Tapp Brothers Primal Movements.

I like it for a number of reasons. One is that it is a structured, long-term program that begins at a very basic level. Even at this beginner level, I can feel changes the next day, so I know something is happening. Also, it’s nice and slow. The movements are all about control. I didn’t realize that primal movement was a new movement in the physical training industry. I just sort of happened upon this. The other thing I love is that it is only 30 minutes a day, which is very doable for me. If it gets too much longer than that, I make excuses. AND, I don’t have to go anywhere.

Still trying to get some feedback on my calligraphy. Ash said he would do it, but he is MIA. I just emailed another calligraphy site called INKEMETHIS Calligraphy and Engraving. They have lots of teachers and classes. I asked if there is someone who can just give feedback. I’m on a FB group, and I post my practice there, but the comments are not really helpful. So, we’ll see. Looks like I also need help with spelling. 🙂

One Reply to “TIME FLIES”

  1. I’m glad to hear Betty is doing good. That had to be a horrible experience for her. The dinner sounds most excellent!
    Your adventure to the Cloud Forest sounds really good too. Take lots of photos please! It’s going to be wonderful for you to be able to relax and not have to think about anything else but you!!
    Have tons of fun!

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