My lower back is very sore. I’ve been walking to and from town, and although it is only about two miles round trip, the climb up the hill is waking up muscles I haven’t used for a while. I’m happy Jolene is taking this seriously. She has started walking to and from her dental clinic, so we’re off to a good start. No whining on the Camno.
I have a lunch date at the Sandwich Shop today with Jerry and Linda (my former landlords) so I’ll have to walk into town for that. But I’m going to skip my Primal Moves workout today, just for a bit of a break. Tylenol and Fisiocrem help as well. I am assuming that Jerry and Linda will offer me a ride home since they have items for me from Pricesmart. I know if Jerry is reading this, he will say he can’t do it.
The rainy season is forecasted to extend longer than usual, so there has been on and off rain since I arrived. I had to order a new rain jacket, since I lost mine, as well as a couple pair of closed-toe shoes. I wasn’t anticipating this, plus it’s a great excuse to buy new shoes. I was happy to see the rainbow still making an appearance.

The past couple of days it hasn’t been raining very much. I woke up yesterday morning to this lovely welcome.
Barbara came for a visit a couple of days ago. It is always so great to see her. We chatted for quite a long time, as usual, before Murray’s smiling face was here to collect her. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her and the Wednesday Girls. I live very close to Debra and Barb (the other two members of the group) now, so it will be much easier to get together.
Martin is the caretaker here. He came this morning to replace the shade that fell the other night.

He is a very nice man, and I am happy for the opportunity to speak Spanish with him, as well as with Digna, the cleaning person. She was SO happy that I spoke Spanish.
I don’t think I have posted anything regarding calligraphy since April, when I started my class with Dreaming in Script. In short, it has been amazing. The instruction via the Teachable platform is well organized with videos and prompts, and the feedback is more than I expected. David Grimes is the owner and main teacher, and there are two student mentors, Sneha and Tony. I receive feedback from at least one and sometimes all of them within 24 hours. My classmates also provide feedback.
I completed the course the first time a couple of months ago. Since it does not end until April, David suggested that I start from the beginning and do the entire program again. This has been a valuable experience. So many times I have felt like I had never seen the lesson before. There is so much to take in.
This is an example of how technical things have become. All of the red marks are mine: an indication to the instructors that I understand where I need improvement.

And…case in point. I just received this feedback from Tony, one of the mentors:
Looking great!! Your dedication is inspiring. I continue to be impressed by your practice of the numbers. My numbers are particularly weak because I don’t practice them much. I need to follow in your footsteps, haha! I’ll provide two thoughts that might help with the construction of the des:
- The des, as we’ve discussed in the past, is a full rotation of the asc. This means you should achieve a hairline before you make the turn at the bottom. Your shades here stretch a bit too far.
- You are very close to achieving the almond shape. The final refinement is that the second half, the portion that reaches back up to the baseline, needs to be a bit straighter. Look at the portion below between the blue dots. Do you notice how straight it is? It isn’t perfectly straight, but quite a bit straighter than yours here.
Again, great work!!!
I am in the process of completing the Production Agreement with Austin Maculey. It gets a bit tiresome having to rewrite things like a Bio and Synopsis. Each publisher has different specifications in regard to word length and focus. I also have to submit a photo for the cover as well as one of myself. The cover photo was easy.

The photo of myself is proving more difficult.
I’ve been invited to dinner this evening with new neighbors, Kathy Jacobson and Holly Lane (isn’t that a cool name). I made these for them. Too bad I didn’t guage the script correctly to accommodate the hole. Oh well, they’re giftable. 🙂

I just received a phone call from the Eli Lilly drug company. They asked if I would be interested in participating in a study regarding their new drug for the heart condition I have (elevated lipoprotein A). The interviewer didn’t have the name of the drug, but I have heard that there is a new drug coming out which switches off the gene that causes this issue. Stay tuned.
Okay, off to lunch.
Your letter was very interesting. I love them. Are you going to do the study
The photo is eye catching. I love it.