In these and in other art videos on YouTube, the instructor many times says how satisfying something is. These were truly satisfying and joyful for me today, and the soundtrack on the video was great!

My shadows need work, but I have to wait until my tortillon arrives. That’s the little instrument you use to pull out the shadow lines at the very end. I’ve been using an eraser, which obviously is not ideal. Kathy was going to go to Michael’s today and buy Zentangle supplies because she is going to try it as well. She will then send them to me in my care package with other supplies I ordered, including the Blue Zones American Kitchen Cookbook.
Another satisfier: I made my own peanut butter today. No sugar and super chunky. It will be dinner on a Granny Smith.

I was introduced to a new word yesterday by Peter Sterling, Sally’s husband. The word is allostasis. Peter and a co-worker apparently created this word while doing their research in neurobiology.
Here is the entry from Wikipedia (where Peter is credited for creating this word): Allostasis proposes that efficient regulation requires preparing the body to satisfy the needs before they arise by budgeting those needed resources such as oxygen, insulin etc., as opposed to homeostasis, in which the goal is a steady state. Allostasis, stability through variation, was proposed by Sterling and Eyer in 1988 as a new model of physiological regulation. The goal of every living being is to “find and maintain a steady state for survival” [2] which is achieved through allostasis and homeostasis. The term allostasis is used more frequently now since it is more inclusive of the idea that not everything in the body is in a single steady state meaning that there are varying levels of energy.[1]
I’m going to have to pray on this one…:) I will have to ask Peter how these needs can be anticipated. Always something new to learn.
Chrissy, if you have Pinterest you can search for zentangle patterns, tutorials and art. You might also like neurographic art which is relaxing. I have worked on and off with alcohol inks, zentangle patterns, neurographic art and acrylic pouring. I find so much satisfaction in being creative. Have fun!!
Wow! I’ve never heard of neurographic art. I’ll have to look that up. I’ve been using YouTube videos for the Zentangle designs. As with any of these crafts, there is SO much information available. Someone said it reminded her of fractal art. I looked that up, and amazing as it is, it is computer generated. I don’t want to do that, at least not now. Yes, so happy I have discovered this joy in me. Who knew!?
how did you grind up the peanuts?
In the food processor. I borrowed one from a friend to use while I’m here. It’s very simple.
Catching up on your blogs. I don’t get them direct, but go onto your Facebook. There is a Villages Zentangle Club here. May check into it. They meet fourth Friday of the month.
You sure are having fun!
I am enjoying a whole new way of cooking.
That boy is a very good artist at six.
I am joining new clubs this year.