Three great highlights of my day: My morning hike, my afternoon surprise call, and another great dinner with Barb and Murray.
Do the words “stroll” and “jungle” sound a bit incongruous to you? They did to me and made me laugh when Barb said it this morning, “We’re just going to go for a stroll in the jungle.” It was absolutely amazing. Here are some photos, thanks to my surprise caller who helped me install them in my blog.

Well, that’s as far as I’m going to get today. And this is progress thanks to a very unexpected call from my friend Simon Karvelas in Greece. I was very pleasantly surprised when Simos called me today and said, “Christine, I see you are trying to set up a blog.” He had seen my attempts launched on Facebook. The operative word in the previous sentence is “trying.” He continued, “You forgot; setting up websites is one of my jobs.” Oh my, yes, I did forget, and here he was like an angel offering to help me. Simos spent a good two hours with me to help launch the blog at a much better level. I obviously have lots of room for improvement, but at least I was able to get a better grasp.
One thing I could not figure out this evening is how to post a video. That will be lesson number two from Simos. Stay tuned.
Had another lovely dinner with Murray and Barb this evening. We prepared ribs, but the “low and slow” prepping method suggested to me by my master-grilling friend, Tim Stasinoulias, doesn’t quite fit with the 7 p.m. bedtime of my hosts. So, the ribs are still prepping, and this evening we had instead shrimp with fettuccine and a parsley/almond pesto. Ribs tomorrow, at least for them. I’m not sure where I will be tomorrow. Stay tuned.
I marvel at the technology that made the experiences of this day possible. Out of “nowhere” I get a call from a friend across the globe offering me help. In seconds I receive cooking advice from a friend in another part of the world. I receive news of a very ill friend at home who is recovering beautifully from a sudden health challenge. I end the evening with a sweet-dreams call from my lovely husband. Thank you.