So, I was so on board with Andrew Huberman’s podcast that even minimal alcohol taken in chronically is a problem, even my one glass of red wine a day. Yesterday, I had lunch with Sally and Peter. Peter is a neuroscientist and says it’s baloney. What’s a person to do? I think I’ll stick with my plan of just having a glass now and then socially. It works. I feel better psychologically. For me, it’s all about relationship and habits.
The lunch was a lot of fun. I felt like I was back in school again. Peter wrote a book called What is Health? Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design. I was immediately intrigued by the word allostasis. I know about homeostasis, but I had never heard this word. Look it up on wikipedia, and you will see that Peter is the creator of this word. I had a list of questions for him, and while the others were out touring their beautiful property (which I did last time I was there), Peter indulged me. I came away with a pretty good understanding, but not complete. And I’m not going to try to write about it.
I also came away with doubts about some other ideas that I may have accepted too readily: the benefit of using psychedelic drugs to treat mental illness and the ideas about how and when the brain stops developing. I do believe Peter’s book said the brain continues to develop well into our 40s. I’ve never heard that. I’ve heard mid-20s, but…you never know. Now I have to look at these things more deeply. I know that it can change, via neuroplasticity, until the day we die. Not sure if he is talking about something different.
I spent most of my day today working on homework for my Soul Matters class, which I love. I am preparing both for my own personal group, which I facilitate, and one offered by Scott Tayler, the UU Church creator of this program. His class will be a practice run of next month’s class. It will provide practice for me on how to navigate the waters as a facilitator.
One of the options for his class is to watch two movies and respond to questions. I chose Lucky with Harry Dean Stanton and The Father with Anthony Hopkins. They both received very high ratings from Rotten Tomatoes, and I love both of these actors, so my choice was easy. Tough homework.
This was my favorite Valentine’s Day surprise. It was sent by Natalie Kelly, one of my kindergarten playmates. Natalie is one of the brightest new spots in Boquete.
It elicited such fond memories.
I remember how much I loved writing all of my friends’ names on the envelopes and really struggled with whether or not to send one to Robert Szmurlo.
I also loved the little candy hearts with the sweet sayings…Be Mine…:) Okay…but not Robert Szmurlo.
And last, but not least, today’s play:
I feel the same way about you, Christine. What a nice thing you say! Trying to figure out how to get and stay healthy is such a challenge. It’s hard to separate fact from fiction, and beyond that, what works for each of us individually. And what works for one may not work for another! I admire your ability to wade through all this searching for the truth.
your writing is so descriptive, I feel like I’m right there with you. BTW, sending you a PM on Facebook.