I have finally come to accept that that is all this is. My calligraphy pen holder has come loose, with the flange spinning in the wood socket whenever I apply pressure. It is, at present, unusable.

Again, I love technology. I texted Ash Giri, my former teacher and the maker of this pen, asking what could be done. He said to use Super Glue. I texted Natalie and asked if she had any. In short order she texted back, “Drawer to the left of the washing machine, under the tape.” Sure enough, there is was, and my pen holder is now healing. Isn’t it amazing that we can keep the entire contents of our houses in our brains?
I’m just a little concerned about the pen because I just began the necessary work leading toward graduation. I am encouraged, however, by the fact that I just received a notification from Red N Blue (where I keep a delivery box) that I have two packages to pick up. So, hopefully, it is one of them. There is a third one outstanding, so it could still be a while. I’ll just have to miss it for a while. Keeping my fingers crossed that the Super Glue will do the trick.
So, since I couldn’t write, I decided to make cards. I need a birthday card for Holly for her birthday dinner on January 3, and I would like to send a card to a friend in the US who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

I was chatting with Mickey this morning, and she told me that she couldn’t read the last calligraphy sample I posted. It is actually UK Postal codes. Sorry Mickey.

Here’s a quiz: Which letter is missing a large element? I had to leave it off because I did not plan the start of the letter properly.
I’m bingeing on Bad Sisters. It’s a good one. I have also been laughing out loud watching Nate Bargatze. I think I’ve seen the three Netflix videos he has done. Today he mentioned that he and his father have done shows together. His father is a magician. I bet that would be a fabulous show.
I am happy that I took the time to prepare the tax data for Dan, so he won’t need to ask me for it. Aren’t I thoughtful? And I did the setup for our church auction, which doesn’t start until February 1, Now I can play for a while. That just reminded me of being a senior in high school and having my term paper on Woodrow Wilson done way ahead of time. For safekeeping, I put it in some newspapers and into a drawer on the bottom of a bookcase. When I went to retrieve it at the end of the course, my mother told me that she put it out for the newspaper drive. And then Jim Jeske stole my notecards, so I had to start from scratch. The theft was not discovered until the teacher received two papers on Woodrow Wilson. Let’s just say Mr. Jeske was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He’s dead now. Probably went to hell for that.
I was just relieved to discover that I have enough food to last me for another day, so I don’t have to walk into town. Monday, I’ll be back on the road. Sunday is a day of rest, as it should be. The Catholics got that one right. Too bad they made the rule that you have to go to church as well, otherwise it would have been perfect.