I had such fun yesterday and today teaching Kathy, Holly and Cindy more about card making. They couldn’t all come together, so Kathy came yesterday and the other two this afternoon. They wanted one more class before I leave, which is the 29th. They especially wanted to learn how to assemble the cards and make envelopes. So, that’s what we did. I felt like I was back in school, preparing a project. I really enjoyed it, but was happy that I wasn’t actually back in school. I did think, however, while I was doing it that it would have been so much nicer in school if I had the attitude that I have now, just doing things for the joy of it, focusing on that feeling and not the feeling of judgment. Ah…too soon old, too late “smart.” There should be a saying that ends with “wise.” It’s not really about being smart.

Mickey Facetimed me this morning. She said that she was wondering how I would get the cards with the gems into envelopes. It took her a while to realize they were drawn on. 🙂
There was a nasty storm here the other night. Betty heard a crash at 3 a.m. and discovered this:

She said she called the landlord, brushed the plaster off Oscar, and went back to bed. The landlord was there the next day and cleaned things up. Not sure how the repair will be done.
Today, I was looking for my reservation at Las Lajas so that I could contact them and schedule appointments with Lisa for massage. I can’t find the reservation. Heart sinkage. I’m waiting to hear back from them. I will be disappointed for sure if we can’t go. I’ve been texting Samantha about how great it is. I think that perhaps I made the reservation while I was there over Christmas, and so I wouldn’t have an email. Fingers crossed.
I’m thinking of dinners and food in general to have while Samantha is here. Today, Debra dropped off fresh eggs, kale, basil and parsley from the farm. I’m making a double recipe of meatballs in marinara on the 19th. I’ll take it to Kathy’s that night for movie night, to Don and Lesley’s on the 20th for game night, and then have it ready on the 21st for Samantha’s arrival. So, that takes care of three dinner responsibilities.
I’ll walk into town late tomorrow afternoon, do my shopping and have Jerry pick me up from the grocery store to go to his house for dinner. Then I’ll have a ride home with all the groceries for Samantha’s stay, as well as all of the things on my “Replace” list.