I started my day with calligraphy. I was happy that the Super Glue worked, and the calligraphy pen is now functional. I completed my first assignment toward applying for the certification.

As usual, I wanted to redo it, but we’ve been encouraged not to do that. Overall, it’s okay, but I’m still battling with ink. This looks clunky to me. The hairlines need to be finer.

The next step was to take the quiz, which I did. In order to be eligible to apply for the certification one must score 95%. I scored 92%, so I get one more chance to take it over. I’m waiting for David’s email to reset my quiz.

The rest of the morning I spent on Holly’s birthday card. I enjoyed playing with a new toy: an electric wax melter and metal wax molds. It’s going to take some practice. The number of wax buttons to melt and how to press the embosser into the ink is tricky. I overdid it a bit with this one, but it was after at least 10 tries, so this is as good as it’s going to get for today.

The electric wax melter is a big improvement over the one I had, which I had to hold over a flame – very tiresome – and hard to clean. This device gets very hot and melts the wax quickly, and it cleans up very easily with a paper towel.

I thought I could watch Bad Sisters and knit for the rest of the day, but I forgot about my Soul Matters class, which meets tomorrow. So, I’ll have to prep for that first. I don’t want to try to squeeze it in tomorrow morning. I plan to walk into town and do some shopping in the morning.