Today is the last day of the auction. I’m hoping things look better by 9 pm this evening when it ends.
I had yet another lovely day yesterday. I hiked with Barbara, Holly, Kathy and her dog JW. Perfect day.

The Zentangle group shared their creations:

I had to laugh yesterday when I opened a notebook and found one of my first exemplars. This was probably done about 2020. Love a good before and after. The difference may not be obvious to you, but it certainly is to me.

After our hike yesterday, I spent most of the day creating a card for my neighbor, Nancy. Earlier in the day, I took over some vegetable curry that I made the day before. Nancy was up and in good spirits, but she was disappointed that her trip to the doctor the day before did not result in drainage of what was thought to be excess fluid from her abdomen. She looks to be about nine months’ pregnant right now. She sadly reported that it was not, in fact, fluid but all enlargement of the liver. “And, it’s going to kill me,” she said. She delivered this statement with a smile and a brightness in her eyes that seemed so incongruent, but I felt a wave of joy go through my body when she said it.
I remember reading from A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle that some people, when they know and accept that they are dying, exude a brightness, peace and transparency that feels like pure knowing and love.
I created this card and took it over with a note that reflected the above sentiment.

Nancy responded: I’m so thankful for that amazing note! I will have it to remind me if I start sinking or I’m pain. I praise God for what you see in me. It’s not me. I’m as amazed as anyone, and I’m so thankful. I pray a lot during the night. I’m not even aware that I’m praying sometimes. In Romans 8, I think. Paul is describing praying in the Spirit. We pray as the Spirit is praying through us, in moans that we don’t even know what to pray. I know that is happening. I feel it. I have a lot of faith. It’s a Gift of the Spirit, and I am grateful.
Needless to say as well, I am so blessed and grateful for all you precious friends.
The note is a gift! Kathy told me you make note cards from all the art things you all created. I look forward to trying it. Your penmanship is beautiful. The card is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your observations. Again, it is God. I’m hoping it will be a while, but the note will be a source of comfort and encouragement. Thank you with all my heart ❤️ and for feeding us. I’m saving the curry until after church tomorrow. I already had a plan for shepherd’s pie tonight.
Love you, sweet soul sister!
Later, I was working on my homework for my Soul Matters spiritual discussion class. I was curious to see how Perplexity (AI) would handle the assignment:
ME: I have accepted an assignment in my Soul Matters spiritual discussion group to write a poem about how certain things came into my life and how they eventually met. The things that came into my life about the same time were watercolor painting, Zentangle and calligraphy. I was introduced to all of them separately because of the tiny but powerful virus, Covid. Covid was a scary thing. It caused a lot of fear, sickness and death, but it also brought us gifts like improvements in technology as well as the exposure to these solitary/sedentary, comforting activities. These activities have brought to me the awareness that consciousness is experiencing a deep joy through my body, It also taught me how much we need to be with others. Today I chose to refrain from watching the news, which is quite upsetting to me. Instead I spent my day creating a beautiful card for a lovely new acquaintance and neighbor, who knows and accepts that she is dying. She is on the opposite side of the political fence, but her eyes and smile shine with the brilliance of one who knows that they are love. I know that you are an AI and do not have and never will have emotions, but I just wanted to see what you could capture in a poetic way.
PERPLEXITY AI: Here’s a poem capturing the essence of your experience:
In the shadow of a microscopic foe,
Three gifts emerged, a gentle glow:
Watercolor, Zentangle, and calligraphy’s grace,
Each a solace in this confined space.
Covid’s darkness brought unexpected light,
As brushes danced and patterns took flight.
In isolation, creativity soared,
A renaissance of self, quietly explored.
Through flowing ink and tangled lines,
Consciousness awakened, joy entwines.
Yet absence taught a truth profound:
We need each other, connection found.
Today, news silenced, hands create
A card for one who knows her fate.
Political divides dissolve away,
As love shines bright in her eyes today.
In art and kindness, we transcend,
Finding beauty as all paths blend.
Though born of fear, these gifts impart
The timeless wisdom of the heart.
Sara sent me this photo yesterday of Cordelia “still wearing the cardigan” I made for her when she was three years old. I told Sara that it now fashionably has 3/4-length sleeves. I offered to make the sleeves longer if she wanted. I am also giving her the new one when I return home. Still have to find those glow-in-the-dark buttons. I also need to order more yarn for Maria’s. I’m a sleeve short.

Now on to making more jewels.