February 13, 2025

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Debe Emerson had a Zentangle party today. I met a new person, Flora, who is from Seattle as is Debe. Kathy, Cindy and Holly also came.

L to R: Cindy Hose, Flora, Debe Emerson, Holly Lane and Kathy Jacobson.

This was Cindy’s first time. She was a bit wary, but she ended up enjoying it. Holly and Kathy picked a new design and did a great job. Now they want to try the blueberries and gemstones. Here are my latest. I enjoy making these. Applying the layers of color and then blending them is very satisfying.

These are both kind of sloppy, but that’s how it is the first time through. I’ll try them again and see if I can refine them. I’m following a German woman on the Internet because she uses Faber Castell pencils (which are made in Germany). This way I can use exactly the colors she suggests, and I don’t have to go through AI for an interpretation of some other brand. Makes it a little easier.

I learned of a new tool in Google Translate. You can copy the URL of any website and plug it into the Website tab on Google Translate, and it translates the entire page for you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t copy the images along with it, so I have to bounce back and forth a little, but not bad.

I find it strange that the Faber Castell pencils are all numbered, but they are not in numerical order when you purchase them. I got tired of hunting for the number, so I sorted them. Strange how the colors end up.

I wonder why they are numbered like this. Perhaps if you’re already a seasoned user and don’t need the numbers… But why would they be so varied when in numerical order? I might have to talk to AI about that.

I’ve taken a little break from calligraphy the past couple of days. We’re at the point where we have to line our own paper, and it is a huge pain in the butt. It seems no matter how careful I am, the lines are never even. The spaces are only 5 mm high, and I find it hard to get a straight line across a sheet of paper 20″ wide. I tried using a yardstick, but it’s still a pain. I asked AI the best way to draw lines, and it suggested this tool. It’s called a Layout Liner. I watched a YouTube video and was sold immediately.

I love having good tools. It makes the job so much more fun. I thought I was going to have to wait until I got home, but since I’m still here for another six weeks, I made the purchase.

Tomorrow I’m going to hike to Kathy Rutz’s house in Alto Boquete, see what she’s up to with her paper art, and then Nancy will pick us up to go to the knitting group. I know, rough life.