I’m sitting in the dining area of the 3K Hotel right now. Just finished breakfast and I’m catching up. Dan left for the airport at 5:30 this morning. My flight doesn’t leave until 10:55 tonight, so I’m just hanging out here until about 8 pm when I’ll take a taxi to the airport, and then it’s just the flight and a bus home. I’ll be home by 8 pm tomorrow night. The least fun part of traveling. Oh well, until we enter the beam-me-up phase of our evolution, I guess I should just be grateful that I don’t have to go by boat.

Samantha, Julie and Wine arrived the next day. I told Samantha that I was going to meet her at the arch and videotape her entry. What I forgot was El Portugués pilgrims enter on the other side of the cathedral. So, instead of me videotaping her, Julie videotaped Samantha sneaking up on me.

I spent the afternoon touring the cathedral museum and strolling the streets while Dan napped. He wasn’t interested in the tour because many talked about it including a tower walk, which was pretty precarious. So, we had lunch near the square and then I walked back to the cathethral museum for the tour.

Turned out that tour was full, so I couldn’t do it. I was only able to tour the artwork: tapestries, sculptures, silver, gold… the usual church riches. I enjoyed my walk around town. The weather was perfect, sunny and in the upper 70s.

And then our final dinner together that evening. Dan and I went first to the wrong restaurant: Pulperia O’Piorno instead of Meson O’Piorno. My Google Maps was not cooperating to get us there. Not sure why, but we were going in circles. Finally, Samantha shared her location with us, and we made it, half a drink behind.

Dan, Maya (Kent), Teo, Wine, Loretta (New York), Julie, Samantha, Me

Dan and I took a bus yesterday from Santiago to Porto to begin our return home. The bus ride is three hours. You are not allowed to eat anything on the bus, and you have to pay 50 cents to use the toilet. I didn’t have a 50-cent piece, so I dropped in a 1-euro coin. It didn’t work, and my coin was not returned. I told the bus driver, and he just shrugged his shoulders. What a sad way to make money! Dan asked a woman across the aisle from us if she had 50 cents. She gave me the coin. I used it, and then I held the door open for the next guy. That’ll show ’em.

Almost home!


  1. We’re looking forward to hearing about your adventures! I hope your return home is without delays or mishaps.

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