I wish I could repeat this day every day of the Camino. The weather was perfect and the terrain was easy and interesting. Some was through urban/industrial areas, but most of it was through a wooded area along a river. At one point, for at least an hour, I was completely alone. I even worried at one point that I had gotten off the trail, but then I saw a little arrow on a rock with the word “peace.” Thank you!

A few video clips of my walk to Pontevedra:

The walk was 10 miles. Pontevedra is a beautiful, classic European town, with motorless streets, lots of plazas and people sitting out, enjoying a drink, a chat and the sun.

We had dinner at a place called Atrevido. We were joined again by Teo, Zak, Michelle and Samantha. As we were walking to the restaurant, we met Teo who had two new friends with him: Julie and Wayne (Australia). When Julie introduced herself, she said, “Hi, I’m Julie and this is Wine.”

“Wine?” I responded.

“Yes, Wine, like John Wine, the movie star.” She continued, “I always have to add that last part because people think I’m saying wine, instead of wine.”

Of course, this was good for more than one laugh during dinner. At one point, I was pouring wine, and I asked Wayne, “Wine, Wine?” He just shook his head no. He didn’t get it.

We asked Julie to say the name of the drink and then say the name of her husband. She thought they sounded completely different. They did not.

L to R: Wine, Julie, Samantha, Zak, Michelle, me, Dan and Teo

Great conversations, mostly about Australian movies. Half the group is splitting off tomorrow to take what is called The Spiritual Path. We will all meet up in a few days in Santiago de Compostela.

One Reply to “EL PORTUGUÉS – DAY 9 – 5/24”

  1. Such a quaint little town. Love the photos! Such a peaceful trek for you along the river! Love the wine John Wine story. Too funny those Aussies!! Stay well! You’ve got this girl! So close to the end! Buen Camino!

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