It was a quiet day for me today. I decided to skip the walking and take a taxi. I’m still feeling congested and coughing, but my mood is much better, and I actually missed walking today. I had breakfast with Steve and Mark from Ireland. We had an engaging coversation about the meaning of love and consciousness. Since they are both therapists with the Church of Ireland, they decided to do the Camino to “take a break” from the heaviness of their jobs.

I stayed at the hostel until noon, doing calligraphy in the communal kitchen. I arrived at our hostel here in Caminha about 1 pm. I ate leftovers from last night and took a nap. Very nice. Dan called me about 3 pm and said he couldn’t find our place and wanted me to help him. Seriously?? I have no idea. I was dropped off. I was not frustrated when our call was dropped.

After he arrived, we spent some time getting him up to speed on Google Maps. Hope that works.

We had an excellent dinner at Baptista. I wasn’t very hungry, but I was happy with the soup and this fabulous soft cheese. I hope I can find it at home. It reminds me of one I bought at Larry’s Market in West Bend and at the Public Market downtown Milwaukee. You slice the top off, and scoop out the insides onto nice warm crusty bread. The wine was also excellent.

It is now 7 pm, and we are both fading fast. I’m going to finish this entry, chug down some cough syrup and hope for another good night. I say “another” although Dan said he was surprised I was able to sleep through all my coughing and gagging – no recollection. The only thing I remember is waking up soaking wet and switching to the foot of the bed.

Walking to Dinner. Dan is the one in front.

3 Replies to “EL PORTUGUÉS – DAY 4”

  1. It sounds like you’re on your way to recovery. The food pics you’ve posted look delicious! I hope you haven’t lost your sense of taste.
    I’m glad you’ve decided to skip part of the walking and are able to enjoy at your own pace.

  2. Yum, cheese. Love a good piece of cheese. Always makes me feel good and seems like it does the same for you. I’m keeping a good thought that you are feeling better every day.

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