I just made this dish, Cabbage and Rice, which is one of the recipes from The Blue Zones American Kitchen.

At first bite, I thought, meh, kind of boring. But then as I chewed it, the cabbage and dill combo hit my palate. I am having a hard time not eating the entire pot. Definitely another keeper.
This was today’s Zentangle. I’m not sure if I can call what I am now doing Zentangle. In the videos, the instructors do not use rulers and things; it’s all freehand. But I much prefer the straight lines and precision. I actually went to YouTube this afternoon to learn how to use a compass. It’s been a long time. Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the tiny indentation from the compass point.

Barb stopped by this morning. She took me to RedNBlue to pick up my package from Jolene, and then she drove me over to El Salto to show me where the possible rental is located. I didn’t see the house yet, but I still would not want to walk back and forth to downtown from there. The road is narrow, and there are no sidewalks. No thank you. It is still open for consideration, however, if the price is right. Barb said she can’t imagine it would be inexpensive because it’s a huge house. We’ll see.
So, Jolene sent me a package. She also sent one to Michele and Kathy. We were told that we could not open them until I received mine. Then we were to do a Facetime and open them together. This is what was inside:

I just love this little guy. He will be with me here as I do my calligraphy every morning. He always brings a smile to my face. He will probably move later in the day to my card making table.
Tomorrow I finish the final read-through of the book. I told Stephanie I was going to have this done by Sunday night. It will be done. I am now accountable. Accountability works for me. Next week is major revision time. I say major now, but it may not be all that big a deal. I’m going to try to just go with the flow.
Can’t remember if I wrote this or not, but on Thursday, at the end of my PT routine, I got up off the floor without using my hands. This was a very good moment. I am paying more and more attention to how I react to back pain when I feel it. The respond-vs-react rule works here as well as in other situations. I can choose to respond to the pain instead of reacting. I still feel it, but I no longer allow fear to enter the picture. I just change my thought to, “Okay, thanks. I’m fine.”