I learned recently that I am off the hook for the hospice database. Another person on the team asked if he could do what I was being trained to do, so…there you go… I am happy to let go of the responsibility. I learned a lot working with the Bubble program, but I’m fine letting it go. Since I am no longer need there, I spent a couple of days working on their Being Prepared booklet. Editing is never finished. I offered a rather significant revision this time around, so we’ll see how that goes. In any event, I told the team I wouldn’t touch it again 2/28 when we will have a meeting and make some decisions on the final draft.
So, now I’m back in my playroom. I recently earned how to draw a hyacinth.
I paid a visit today to Attorney Erick Quintero in order to get my Living Will in place here in Panama. The one I have in the U.S. is not valid here. It must be produced in English and Spanish and then notarized. The attorney told me to modify the base document in any way I wished regarding my last wishes, and then he would have it notarized. The following entry made me smile – so un-U.S. and so Panamanian:
“I declare that to exercise the authority given by this document, my HEALTHCARE REPRESENTATIVE should try to discuss with me specific details of any decision proposed by doctors in the event that I could not communicate in any way, even with the twinkle of my eyes. ” Can’t you just picture it??? Semicomatose, but still a twinkle in the eye??? “Please, don’t pull the plug yet…”
I spent part of my afternoon preparing birthday cards to send out. This is so much more fun than standing in a shop trying to find “just the right” card. Now I can’t decide which one to send.
I also like to make the envelopes. This purple glue is such a fun. My friend, Nancy Peterson, told me about it last year while I was here. When you put it on, it’s purple. Then, it slowly becomes clear. I just know Cordelia would love this.
Today there was a flurry of texts between me and the contractors who are working on my kitchen. I love technology! Yesterday wasn’t so great because most of the texts were about not being able to get down our driveway, which was apparently a sheet of ice. But I am able to get the work done without even being there, and they are able to work when they want and stay in communication with me, asking questions, making modifications. So far, so good. I’m excited about cooking in my kitchen again. I feel fortunate to have such great contractors.