Peanut butter is on the list!!

Good ol’ PNBJ

And this is my latest new recipe. It’s called Black Beans with Papaya Salsa on Corn Tortilla.

This is another one of Dan Buettner’s recipes. This one is from the Nicoyan population of Costa Rica, one of the Blue Zones he researched. It is my first time making corn cakes. The result is very much like polenta. At first it felt mushy; I was expecting it to be like the corn cakes I usually make, but those, I think, have egg. Anyhow, once I started thinking polenta, I loved it.

I had it for dinner this evening, and I invited Susan and Dan (neighbors) over for dinner tomorrow night. They are leaving on Saturday, so I wanted to cook for them at least once before they left. They are moving into town. I envy them…but only in their proximity to shopping. I think I’m in a good routine, though. If I walk into town on Tuesday mornings, I can check out the market and buy whatever items I need there or at Super Baru or Romero.

After shopping on Tuesday, I caught the bus going back up to Volcancito. I timed it perfectly. The bus was packed, so that meant they were ready to go. I asked the driver if there was space for one more. Of course, there always is. He asked the elderly gentleman sitting in the front passenger’s seat to let me get in the middle. I was squeezed between the driver and this guy. And I am not making this up…once we set off, they both started picking their noses feverishly. What the!?! Is this required?

Before I came to Panama this year, I knew I wanted to attempt something geometric with my card making. I brought a geometry set with me, and I was ready to go. I watched a couple of videos on sacred geometry on YouTube, but they were not helpful. Too fast; no verbal instruction.

Then today, I found this…

It looks perfect! And this is a beginner video. I love the music.

Ash sent me a lovely message this morning:

A Good Practice Day

“Same corrections here too. But over all I see progress and your hard work is paying off. Keep it up Christine. Your script is getting more refined with every practice sheet. Good!”

The older I get and the more time I spend on these creative endeavors, I realize that I love precision. It’s beautiful.

I told Ash today that I now have two friends who would like to travel to India with me. Terrie Silverman commented on one of my posts that she was interested. Great! I think I may contact a travel agent soon. I don’t even want to think about the logistics of this one. I spent all my planning energy on the Camino and getting down here.

I watched this video last night. It is a real mind blower. It’s called In and of Itself. Derek Delgaudio is the most amazing magician/mentalist that I have ever seen…with a strong spiritual message… Stephen Colbert is one of the producers of this film.

As I was in my kitchen preparing dinner this afternoon, I saw a huge cat walking across my backyard. At first I thought it might be a kotamunde (the raccoon-like animal they have here), but the legs were too long; it was more svelt; and it moved quickly. It was larger than a house cat. I think it is a feral cat and may be what I heard land on my roof the other night.

4 Replies to “THANK GOD!!”

  1. In and of Itself was fascinating. It would be perfect to watch it with a group and then share the messages each one heard.
    I’m enjoying your daily emails and learning about all your endeavors. Happy New Year!!

    1. I agree, and I may be doing exactly that in a Soul Matters group I am involved with at church. This movie was on the recommended back-up info for the class. So interesting.

  2. I’ll check out this movie soon. Maybe tomorrow if it’s raining. Was planning an end of year hike… we’ll see if the weather holds up.

    1. I plan to watch it again. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow instead of a podcast…at least right away. It’s only 1-1/2 hours.

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