Today was the toughest day so far. Lots of hills. I had to stop a number of times, count to 10 and continue – one foot in front of the other. It was nearly 15 miles. We are no longer along the coast. The trails now look very much like El Francés: some trails were woody, rocky, and muddy. Others were through urban/industrial areas.

The weather turned out to be beautiful. The morning started with a heavy downpour, but it slowed way down before we were even out the door. We had our rain gear on, and then took it off again before we left.

At our lunch break we saw Samantha coming down the street. She joined us for the majority of the end of our walk, and then she took a taxi to Redondella – our stop for tomorrow.

A nice surprise

Our room is so tiny, I can’t even get a decent photo of the inside.

Time for dinner. We’re meeting a couple of Dan’s friends. We had a great dinner at a place called El Capitan. It was a late one for us because it didn’t open until 8:30. We met Dan’s friends, Teo (China) and Zak and his mom, Michelle (New Zealand). Teo also invited Lynn (China).

I couldn’t quite understand, but I think Lynn said that she was actually planning to walk El Inglés and somehow ended up in Porto and now in Redondella. No idea. She said she chose El Inglés because it was short. She also said she can’t get up early enough to walk long distances. She blamed her parents?? Then she showed us pictures of her elderly (55- and 56-year-old parents rapelling the Great Wall.