Mickey called me today and was asking why I hadn’t posted and what was going on with me. I told her that I started to post a couple of days ago and then got distracted somehow, and then she had another call and had to hang up, so I’ll get caught up here. I really don’t do much, so I don’t feel like I have much to post, but here goes…
I’m still working in earnest on my calligraphy graduation projects. I started out today with what felt like a good day and then… plop!, and then another prop!…and then my phone rang, and I jumped, so the L got screwed up. Big mistake on the M – too much to try to fix. But it was still fun. I’m getting used to the feel of the ink and paper. I’ll try again tomorrow, and the next day…

And here’s the latest Zentangle design:

I want to come up with one more design so that I can put a couple of packets together to donate to the LCUUC auction, which…is not going very well. Not sure why, but we’re not getting the donations that we have in the past. I’ve sent cheerleading emails, but so far, it’s sad.
Speaking of sad, this is how I feel with social media lately. I feel like I’m falling into the Zuckerburg trap of engagement by outrage. I have responded to political barbs, and I don’t like how it makes me feel. I’m asking conservatives to please explain their logic in defending Trump, and I’m being told I need to do some independent research. What? That’s when I get ornery and want to lash out, and that’s why I feel like I’m falling into the trap.
With the help of AI I drafted a letter to my federal representatives encouranging them to put some pressure on Facebook to change their algorithm. I’ll send the letter, but ultimately I know it is my choice whether or not to engage. I haven’t found my resting place yet. I’m torn between remaining quiet and speaking out. Speaking out physically upsets me, but remaining quiet feels irresponsible. I am wishing and hoping that Facebook will become what Zuckerburg says it is: a place for family and friends to connect and share. We all know it is not that. As Dan would say, “Looks like yur gonna hafta pray on that one.” My latest promise to myself is to engage for only a short time in the morning…after I read Heather. It will give me more time to concentrate on things I love.
Jolene purchased our tickets for the Camino! We’re off! I think of Jolene every time I look at my little Marcel the Shell. I think she said we leave October 19. I was impressed that she found an airfare for $503. That’s very good, AND we will meet in Chicago and fly to Madrid together from there.

Yesterday, Saturday, I went for a hike with the Caminantes de Sabado at 7:30. We did our usual Palo Alto loop, which is close to two hours. Then Barb and Steffen picked me up just before noon, and we went to Barbara and Murray’s for the pizza party.
It was fun to see old acquaintances as well as to meet a few new people. Unfortunately, I didn’t tour her orchid house. We’ll have to have a next time. Barbara has been busy playing hostess for friends from the U.S. Now everyone is gone, so hopefully she can come out and play. While at the party, we made plans to go to an art show next Saturday with Leah. I think it’s a fundraiser. Lots of fundraisers here.
I love Zoom. This past week I connected with Kathy, Jolene, Stephanie, Kathy Walter, Mickey and even Dianne Caliva, with whom I haven’t chatted for years. Tomorrow I’ll be meeting with my Soul Matters group. Technology is so great. I hope we don’t fuck it up.
This is a photo of a torch ginger on my neighbor’s porch. I should have included some perspective. It’s as big as my head. Okay, I know I don’t have a very big head, but for a flower, that’s pretty big.

Speaking of neighbors, Nancy, who has been very ill, bedridden and unable to walk, has begun to make great strides. I was told yesterday that she is actually up and walking around again. You never know. I’m going to go over to see her tomorrow.
Maria del Mar sent me this little video clip yesterday of Amanda and Einar making pizza. This is what you do when your hands are very small, and you don’t have a rolling pin: