After the journey to pick up my credit cards, I am home safe and sound. Before I left home, I received three other texts/calls from community members who became aware of my lost cards and wanted to help. One person, Geovanna, from the drumming group, said her friend, Rita, found the cards. I’m not sure how, but Geovanna said she remembered me from past times. That surprised me because I think we only met once at drumming a couple of years ago. In any event, she called to tell me my cards were at La Casa de Paz. I already knew that due to the initial call from the library. Geovanna offered directions. She was very concerned when I said I planned to walk there, but I assured her I was fine. She offered to call me a cab and act as a translator if needed. Amazing.
Okay break here…going out to dinner for Nancy and Kathy’s BD.
Okay, I’m back. So, I’ll finish the first story and then continue with dinner.
So…I set out on my walk to La Casa de Paz. I walked past Alto Dorado and Gago, as instructed by Geovanna. I then turned left, as instructed. I was told to go to the end of the road, and there I would find La Casa de Paz. The road looked questionable at first glance. It was a narrow, gravel road that did not look important enough to have a Casa de Paz. I stopped immediately at the gate of an elderly couple working outside in their garden and asked them if La Casa de Paz was at the end of this road. No. They told me it was on the other side of the highway, a left after Alto Dorado. Apparently, Geovanna gave me directions coming from the south.
I crossed the highway and headed back in the direction from which I came. As I approached Alto Dorado, Nancy and Kathy pulled up. Nancy was dropping Kathy off (this is where she lives). I asked them if they knew where Casa de Paz was located. Nancy thought she did. So she and I took the left, meandered a bit, but with the help of some local construction workers, we were pointed in the right direction.
We finally found the building. Nancy turned to pull into the parking lot, and the right front of her car went right into a ditch. I was going to go inside to ask for help, but I couldn’t open the door. We were in that deep. Nancy was trying to go in reverse, to no avail. The grinding of her tires brought a gentleman outside. He stood and assessed the situation for a bit and then, almost like magic, three other men showed up. Two of them got into the back seat behind the driver’s side. Another put what looked like a railroad tie under the right front tire and then Nancy was able to gain traction and pull her car out of the ditch.
This is the second ditch dive I’ve experienced. The first time was with Adrianna two years ago when we didn’t see the massive hole in front of Otto’s restaurant and mistook it for an empty parking spot. In both of these instances, I have been amazed by the quick response of the locals. Both times, we were out of the ditch in less than five minutes.
Once out of the ditch, I told Nancy she could leave, and I would get a taxi home. We were pressed for time because we were all going to dinner to celebrate Nancy and Kathy’s birthdays. I went inside to collect my credit card packet. At the door, as I entered, sat an elderly woman. She reminded me of the elderly women who sit outside the bathrooms to collect money in exchange for toilet paper. Once inside, I was given my cards but was asked to wait in order to complete the process. The elderly woman, now inside, was eating crackers from a cellophane packet. She insisted I share them with her, which I did. They were stale. The remainder of the process turned out to be my examining the packet to make sure everything was there and then having my photo taken with the agent. Very official.
I got home with just enough time to shower and dress for the birthday dinner at The Rock, which was fabulous. I was so happy that the entire gang was there. Maybe things are getting back to normal.

Counter Clockwise: Beth (in black top looking very regal), Mayra, Herta, Linda, Jerry, me, Kathy, Nancy and Betty.

Although it was Kathy’s birthday, she was the gift giver. She shared her paper art skills with us and made these lovely calendars for everyone.