I had the girls yesterday morning. One of my favorite conversations was with Cordelia as we were scouring my pantry for “interesting” food.
Cordelia: “Don’t you have any kids?”
Me: No.
Cordelia: “You’ve NEVER been a MOM?!”
Me: No.
She never asked why. I wonder what was going through her brain.
And then later with Marie:
Me: “How’s your ear?” (She had an infection).
Marie: “Its fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m just taking probiotics.”
I am quite sure that those words never passed my lips at the age of 4.
This is the “scene of the crime” from kindergarten yesterday. Again, they insist on only playing “Wise Kitty.” I’m going to have to figure out how to be okay with this. Truth be told, it is fun watching the stream of creativity come through them and to observe their little mannerisms and conversations, but 4 hours of that is too much for me. Stay tuned.
I should have taken a “before.” Try to picture just the black mat. I’m happy that the game is reserved for the basement. With Dan not here, I’m just going to leave it.

Since I’ve been spending so much time working on my Christmas card, I’ve been listening to a lot of YouTube videos. My latest favorite “influencer” is James Clear. I loved his book Atomic Habits, and so I’ve been looking for interviews. This was a very interesting one today.
He has such a sharp mind. I love his perspectives on things. Here’s one: So, you say you want to improve some aspect of your life. Are you really doing anything about that? Clear says to pretend that aliens are filming your day, and there is no audio. They will get an idea of what you are doing without any commentary. They are just observing your behavior. I find that fascinating.
I also find it very interesting that many competitive males are now making these podcasts and emphasizing the importance of their spiritual growth. Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman, Simon Mundie are examples. The emphasis is being shifted from competition to collaboration. Also love his normalization of our fear of judgment. It stops so many people.
I am so happy that I am almost finished making the Christmas cards. I love making them, but I’m also enjoying this sense of relief that the end is near. I have other projects that are piling up.
Speaking of projects, Mayra is coming tomorrow to help me move ferns and plant bulbs. I love Mayra. And I’m not the only one. I have heard that she has become very close to one of my fellow UU members who is quite elderly and challenged, and she loves Mayra. It is also one of my few opportunities to speak Spanish with a human. We’ve made an agreement that we only speak in Spanish. She is very kind and a good teacher.
Mike is still working on the deck. He talks to himself constantly. Today, I asked him whom he imagines he is talking to, his father?, his sons? He said, “No just myself.” Then he told me that someone he was working for thought there was something seriously wrong with him. I think he said they talked to him about it.
I was relieved to receive a happier note from Dan today. Sounds like he is experiencing better weather and has also connected with some other pilgrims. He’s into bonding. Me, not so much, at least not on the kind of walk I did. Way too many people. Plus, I like keeping to my own schedule. Less hassle. The Arles Camino he is now doing has very few hikers. So, that’s a different story…sometimes.