Winding down my last day in Door County. What a wonderful few days I have had here, first with my sisters and now alone. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share this beautiful space.
I feel like I got a solid amount of writing done in the past three days. I have a base established for Documents and Stuff, Gear, and Itinerary. Dan’s still reviewing the Introduction. He said ideas are coming to him in his dreams.
Writing always takes me much longer than I think it will, but I’ve been enjoying the process. About every hour or so, I thank God for technology. It is SO much easier to write something now than when I was in school in the 60s-80s’. Everything is so readily available. I remember having to wait weeks for a reference article that my library at Alverno needed to order from another library somewhere in the universe. Shocking how things have changed, and continue to change every day.
Yesterday I had a second meeting with Patty and Terrie about our India trip. I have not yet received any answers from the travel agent, Chaitanya, in Mumbai. I texted him, and he said he was at an exhibition so couldn’t connect. We plan to meet via Zoom on Monday.
I chatted with my friend, Beth Abrams, in Boquete. We earlier discussed her favorite carry-on travel suitcase, and yesterday she texted me the info. She then called via WhatsApp, and we chatted about her experiences in India. She recommended visiting the Sikh community. I’m also going to get in touch with a couple of other Indian friends for their input.
Tonight’s Zentangle. I replicated the design I’ve been working on, but this time to a larger scale. It’s a better size to put on a card. It’s a fun design to make. Really a challenge at first, but once I really paid attention to the video (and actually turned on the audio), it all came together. I think the one on the right needs a little more shading.