So, today was my “last” day with Barb. This morning was my “last” time getting out of bed here on a Thursday. I ate the “last” of my oatmeal last night. I bought my “last” bag of coffee beans. In a couple of hours, I will have my “last” day with the gang. Betty is hosting a going away gathering for me tonight. I’m excited and sad at the same time.

But we also have something to celebrate tonight. Nancy just had installed a new electric gate. I love this video:

Nancy’s New Gate

I’ve watched this twice now, and I love the laugh at the end and the “Isn’t that great?!” I can feel the joy.

I saw Cathy Schulte for the “last” time in town this morning while having a coffee with Barb at the Tip and Buckle.

I met three new people within the past couple of days. While at the Buckle and Tip, a woman was sitting at the bar while I was waiting the barista. She immediately struck up a conversation.

In the short time we chatted, we both felt the compulsion to exchange contact information. Her name is Kelle Sparta. She said she has found that just sitting at the bar has led to many opportunities to meet people.

I’ll see her next year. She has been here for eight months and plans to stay. I also met her husband, Jeff. Kelle was very slick about exchanging WhatsApp contact info. She will be a good WhatsApp resource person when I come here next year.

The other two new acquaintances were a couple I met the other day outside the library. I was actually on my way to find Don Quike’s Bakery (another last I was hoping for), and I was going to ask for directions at the library. As I came up to the library door, there was a couple with their backs to me, reading the posted notices on the door.

I asked in Spanish (because I thought he was Panamanian) if they knew where Don Quike’s was located. They explained that they didn’t speak Spanish but were pretty sure where the bakery was located. So, we all walked together and chatted on the way. They are Roberto and Freddy Lee. Instantly engaging. We also exchanged contact info.

This is another thing I love about technology: the ease with which we can get in touch with people and maintain connections.

This is the “last” Netflix series I will binge on while I’m here. It was so fabulous. Maestro in Blue. So much going on here. I felt like I was getting off a boat and landing in this little town in Greece and getting to know the inhabitants intimately. Music, casting, landscapes, passion, human/emotional/social struggles living under the constant judgmental gaze of ones neighbors. Can’t recommend it highly enough.

My “last” Zentangle:

Tomorrow I collect the sheets and towels and bag them up for Cathy to take to town to be laundered. I thought I was going to be doing that on my own, but she let me know that it is all done as part of the Airbnb service. Everything has to be professionally cleaned. She told me to just relax and enjoy my last days.

And indeed I have. I spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday completely holed up, listening to podcasts, practicing calligraphy, doing Zentangle, researching more extensively the whole new world of cholesterol numbers and what they mean. Unfortunately, with this research, I discovered that I have not only one, but two genetic anomalies. Oh, well.

It’s been wonderful. I feel so happy, healthy, well rested and relaxed. I’m looking forward to being home again and hugging all my lovers at home. Already have our first Trivia night on the calendar! Life is good.

“The Gang,” L to R: Betty Speyer, Nancy Peterson, Beth Abrams, Kathy Rutz and Herta Bermbach.


I just booked my place for next year. Betty met a new friend, Jerry, while doing her volunteer work with Buenos Vecinos. He showed her pictures of his house, which includes a little apartment. She asked if he rented it out, and he said that he did, on Airbnb. Betty took me there this morning. It is perfect! Unfortunately, I could not paste a clickable link here.


It’s called the Rainbow House Apartment. The photos do not do it justice. What the photos do no show is that at the foot of the bed is the entrance to the apartment – two glass sliding doors, which provide a fantastic view. It has a great feel. Clean, bright, perfect-sized kitchen, washer and dryer. Jerry is an electronics guy, so he just installed he strongest Wi-Fi. The house is two miles up the hill. No sidewalks, but Jerry said he walks it all the time with no problem.

He also said that there is one requirement – that I eat the bananas and the oranges, which are plentiful on the property.

I couldn’t be happier. And, get this, the rent is only $450/month!! Plus $39 for Internet. It even has a television, so I can watch Netflix on a larger screen. Thanks Betty!! You will be handsomely rewarded with a place in heaven – which translated means many meals cooked for you with love.

My latest Zentangle. It’s called Paradox because it is drawn completely with straight lines, yet it produces the illusion of curved images.


I think I may do a series of these with “Thank you” in gold calligraphy.

I haven’t been spending much time on the cards because I have decided to spend my “creative time” on the book. I have my first appointment with Kathie on 4/14, so this gives me time to get the first 20 pages ready. I’m happy Dan is now on board with this and is offering some helpful input.

I’ve started the wind-down. I purchased two more plastic bins. I already had one that I bought from the knitting group last year. Three may be more space than I need, but that’s fine; they can be lighter. Nancy has agreed to let me store my things again under her carport. She was so kind last year and covered the cardboard boxes with a plastic tarp. This way that won’t be necessary, and I won’t have to worry about moisture or dust.

My latest favorite podcast. I was introduced to Dr. Steve Attia. I found the podcast impressive in a number of ways. Attia apparently has the same heart-attack gene profile that I have, so his information on that was valuable for me. He also gives an overall philosophy of what he calls “healthspan,” which is basically being healthy for as long as you can during your lifespan, basically quality versus quantity. He has inspired me to have a complete physical assessment done by a trainer to maximize my strength and stability.

Another facet of the interview I found quite powerful was the revelation of his emotional challenges and his journey in confronting his anger issues and healing them. He was encouraged by his editors to leave this out of his book, Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity; however, he felt it important enough to include. I couldn’t agree more. I am grateful for minds and personalities like Attia’s who are willing to be vulnerable and share not only their technical accomplishments with humanity but their spiritual growth. Again, the value of “presence” is highlighted

Time for a nap!


I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I posted last. It’s been pretty quiet here.

I went with Sally to Natalie’s on Monday last. We were going to do our chosen art piece, but lunch led to conversation, and the art tools were never taken out. However, I am quite sure we solved all the problems of Affirmative Action and the U.S. educational system. I pretty much took a listening part.

Marianne Williamson announced her candidacy on March 4 in Washington. I was disappointed that it was not more widely covered by the news agencies, and her delivery seemed a bit affected. She was also wilting under the lights. However, in the following days she seems to have garnered some attention from larger media sources.

Recently, Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s press secretary mocked Williamson, dismissing her as a serious candidate and referring to her “crystal balls and auras.” Williamson took her to task and expressed her disappointment without name-calling or abuse. I think Williamson has a ton of integrity.

Friday I went to Betty’s for dinner, movie and a sleepover. We watched Sharper. I was so confused. I had to read the wikipedia plot summary the next day. I may just watch it again. I also binged on Red Rose, a Netflix series which dramatizes a group of British youths who are being terrorized by Red Rose, an Internet app produced on the dark web. Scary to see the possibilities.

Lois and Buzz’s friend, Floss, arrived a couple of days ago. She is a delight. On Sunday a group of us went to Lucero for lunch. It was fantastically delicious. I have been there twice, and both times it has been nearly deserted. This is surprising (and I may have said this already) because it is the only full-size golf course in Boquete, and it was a Sunday!!

I walked into town this morning and found Barbara and Debra sitting on the steps outside Sabroson. I sat with them for a bit and then caught the bus back up the hill. The driver went in the opposite direction this time, so it was a unique view for me. I made it home just before it started to “llover a cántaros,” rain cats and dogs.

I have begun writing One Woman’s Camino. I think I have the rough draft of the introduction finished. Time to contact Kathie!


A pheasant (can’t remember what they’re called here) finally gave up trying to communicate with itself through my bedroom window. This has been happening consistently, but today seems particularly active. Just makes the heart skip a beat now and again.

Dinner here last night was lovely. I served fresh salsa, guacamole, corn chips, black beans and rice with mango and coleslaw. Mary, thanks again for that dressing recipe. It is THE BEST. I will forever remember the fish fry at your house. Russ made the fish. I think it was catfish breaded in cornmeal. You made the slaw. It was heaven.

One of tonight’s guests, Cheryl, of Cheryl and Jude, asked for the recipe. Everyone here was from the Midwest and grew up to appreciate and value good coleslaw.

LtoR Cheryl, Lois, Buzz, Betty, Jude

It was such a great conversation last night. Everyone is so intelligent and well-traveled, and they have such funny stories. We talked about our conditioned food choices. Jude related his story of his aversion to oatmeal. It was “a texture” thing he said. I’ve heard of this texture experience before.

I can’t think of any texture to which I have an aversion… maybe crunchy animal parts. We talked about that last night as well, how some Asian cultures love “the crunch.” I just cannot imagine eating a chicken’s foot. But…you never know…I was talked into eating ants in Honduras.

Watched a funny movie last night with Ricky Jervais. It’s called The Correspondents. Funny with a love story. I like that about Ricky Jervais. I was just discussing with Betty last night, however, that I can’t (or haven’t) gotten used to his use of the word “cunt.” It makes me bristle. I know he made a point somewhere in one of his videos that “it’s just a word,” or something to that effect, but I still bristle. Words are important. Harry Dean Stanton uses it in Lucky, which I just watched recently.

So, Marianne Williamson got off to (as Betty said) an inauspicious start. I have to admit, I was underwhelmed by her announcement speech. It felt a bit too affected, and she was wilting under the light. I think she was trying hard not to come off as a “woo-woo wimp,” and perhaps she tried too hard. None of the networks covered it. There was actually a headline about someone who was choosing NOT to run for some office, I think a governorship, but no mention of Marianne. Sigh.

These are today’s Zentangles. I’m going to play at Natalie’s house tomorrow with Sallie, and I wanted to at least get a start on this one so that I could chat at the same time. I think I’ve got it.


It turned out to be much more challenging than I thought. At first glance it seemed simple, but that is one of the beautiful aspects of this art, it really challenges my cognition and pattern recognition. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel at getting it right. It takes a while, but it’s that intermittent variable of reinforcement. You know you’re going to be rewarded, you just don’t know when. It’s why I like golf.

So, I’ve been in couch-potato mode for a few days now. I’ve been bingeing on Jane Austen movies and reading Purple Hibiscus, a novel written by the Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Waking Up by Sam Harris. I cannot remember who recommended the former, but I thank you, I’m enjoying it.

Reading Sam Harris’s book has made me wonder why he and Rupert Spira had a conflict. I’m going to have to look back at that podcast. Right now, it sounds to me like they are both speaking from the same foundation: advaita vedanta: nondualism. Being a scientist, Harris may be taking the more materialist perspective which professes that consciousness is produced by the brain, and someday scientists will discover where that is happening. Whereas, Spira is saying that the brain and the mind are manifestations of consciousness. The other way around. Stay tuned on that one.

I had such a lovely experience of waking up this morning. I woke at my usual 6:30ish, sat up, meditated for my usual half hour, and when I turned the timer off, I continued to sit there. I blissfully drifted in an out of sleep. I love that feeling when I know I have more sleep in me, and I don’t have to get up. I sat there until 9. It was great.